Spot Leukaemia - Charity Collaboration
Blood Cancer Awareness Month is a month dedicated to raising awareness of the signs and symptoms of blood cancer.
Leukaemia is a blood cancer and is the 12th most common cancer in the UK and the 13th most common cancer globally. There are just under 10,000 new leukaemia cases in the UK every year: that’s 27 every day!
There are over 50,000 people living with a leukaemia in the UK right now, and we are calling on this group to join our Spot Leukaemia campaign and help us educate the public on the signs and symptoms of leukaemia.
We cannot do this alone, which is why we are collaborating with leukaemia research charity, Leukaemia UK.
The collaboration aims to create greater awareness of the symptoms of leukaemia. Unfortunately, there is a perception that leukaemia is a childhood illness. This is a myth. Leukaemia is the most common cancer in children. However, most people who are diagnosed with leukaemia are over the age of 65. Despite this, raising awareness in everybody over the age of 65 can be challenging, as people’s interests and lifestyle can change dramatically with every passing decade. With this statistic in mind, our campaign has been specifically adapted to ensure it will be more memorable than ever before. We’ve also taken measures to make sure the campaign can be accessed by all. After all, leukaemia doesn’t discriminate so why should our campaign?
Find out more about both Leukaemia Care and Leukaemia UK below.

For over 50 years, we have been dedicated to ensuring that everyone affected receives the best possible diagnosis, information, advice, treatment and support. We are here for everyone affected by leukaemia and related blood cancer types – such as myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN).
We believe in improving lives and being a force for change.
To do this, we have to challenge the status quo and do things differently.

We are Leukaemia UK. We believe research has the power to stop leukaemia devastating lives.
Leukaemia doesn’t discriminate. It affects people of all ages – from babies to grandparents. More people are living longer with leukaemia but, despite decades of progress only half of leukaemia patients live longer than five years after their diagnosis. We won’t stop until we change this.
What if through research, we could accelerate progress and improve the lives of people affected by leukaemia today and in the future?
By bringing together the experience and expertise of people who are living and working with leukaemia, we will do everything we can to make sure that the next person diagnosed has the best possible experience of diagnosis, treatment and care