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Spot Leukaemia
Nov 2, 20224 min read
Tony Pullen
Tony was a fit and healthy 41 year old when his workouts got harder as he became more breathless and fatigued. After requesting a blood...

Spot Leukaemia
Sep 27, 20225 min read
Charlotte Krzanicki
46-year-old Charlotte blamed her extreme tiredness on the long hours and commutes her job entailed. However, after her symptoms began to...

Spot Leukaemia
Sep 27, 20222 min read
Paul Glinn
At 57 years old, Paul was an avid runner, however, when his hobby became increasingly difficult, he knew something was wrong. He details...

Spot Leukaemia
Sep 21, 20226 min read
Patrick Fludder
Patrick visited the GP for a routine blood test, which later led him to his shock acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APL) diagnosis. Having...

Spot Leukaemia
Sep 15, 20225 min read
Emma Hally
At the age of 24, Emma’s summer in 2021 took a turn for the worst after suffering from a bad strain of COVID-19. However, when intense...

Spot Leukaemia
Aug 1, 202215 min read
Alexandra Simpson -
Alexandra put her symptoms down to working long hours and her hectic new life in Hong Kong. However, she soon began to realise that her...

Spot Leukaemia
Jul 28, 20225 min read
Mattia - Spot Leukaemia saved my life
When Mattia began feeling faint, he knew something wasn’t right. When he then spotted unusual bruising, he remembered the Spot Leukaemia...
Spot Leukaemia News and stories
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